Create Community, Connection, and Conversation That Transcends The Ordinary...

Sacred Expression Salon

Count Me In!

Click the Button Now to Join Us for The Sacred Expression Salon This Wednesday

Here Are the Details for This Virtual Salon

  • When is it? February 5, 9PM Boston (EST), 8PM Austin (CST), 7PM Calgary (MST)
  • Where is it? Join in from your laptop/desktop/phone through Zoom link #266-879-2049
  • Who's doing it? Hosted by Brandy Amstel
  • Why should I be there? To nurture deeper connection through expansive conversation that feeds your soul.
  • What's it all about? A safe place to be seen, heard, and free to express. Full details below.

This conversation begins in...


Let me know if you plan to attend!


Art inspires action. In our Sacred Expression Salon we're using art to spark the conversation. In the upcoming salon, I'll share sculpture from my "Being In The Flow" Series. 

In this art series, I'm exploring being in the flow and the fish is the perfect subject. I love how they demonstrate beauty, elegance and fluidity. Working with this series has me present to the ease and grace with which things can happen for each of us when we are in alignment and in the flow. 

In our next Salon conversation, let's explore what it means to be in the flow, how it is expressed in the world, and the structures and agreements that are in place to continually expand according to our desires. 

Here is a link to preview the art work if you are interested:



  • I love myself and others. 

  • I lead by being intentional, conscious, and ready to rock, which means I am present, mindful, prepared, on time (or in communication), and I take care of my physical needs.

  • I am a conscious, loving human being. I am self aware. I embody and reflect abundance in my conversations. I keep my word. I am mindful of my language and the use of words to communicate. I create my world intentionally with my thoughts, feelings, energy, words, and actions. I take responsibility for creating my reality. I am not perfect, I am always in process, and nothing is ever wrong. I learn from and find the gold in every interaction and in every piece of my experience. I select the highest choice for myself and gracefully allow myself and others the freedom to choose again.  
  • I create, hold, and protect a safe and sacred space. 

  • I protect all conversations as sacred and private.

  • I honor no cross-coaching.  

  • I promise to be transparent, call myself up, and bring everything to the group because I am committed to loving and operating at a high vibe, increasing my awareness, and generously contributing to the learning, evolution, and highest good of all.

  • I meet people where they are and allow them to have their own experience emerge without guiding, leading, interrupting, or judging it.

  • I share my truth and feelings from my own experience and share to more fully claim the moment for myself without trying to give advice. 

  • I am conscious of the impact I have on the conversation and my sacred sisters and will be mindful of my words, my actions and my energy.

  • I embrace and bring my unique gifts and contributions to the community. 

  • I welcome and appreciate the unique contributions of each and every woman. 

  • I protect and hold sacred the trust between myself and my sacred sisters.